Материалы по эзотерике.

суббота, 7 июля 2007 г.

“Russia. Version”.

Eugeny Toropov. Yekaterinburg. 02.07.2007.
We are living in a country with a unique destiny. There is large intellectual potential in Russia, many countries are envious of Russian raw material resourses. In spite of all this during a very long time our community hasn’t been able to create an economy enabling sound majority of decent people to live decently. And as long as plenty of clever and potentially wealthy people can not get a result similar to that which was attained in other countries considering their special features, then, possibly, there is a Reason, that doesn’t allow Russian citizens to become more successful. And as long as this Reason is not found, it doesn’t matter in what area it exists, while 10 per cent of residents are living splendidly enough selling country’s raw materials while its 90 per cent are dragging miserable existance, we won’t be able to radically change the situation.

We can try to explain the exclusiveness of Russia’s historical path, its state system changing, and special spirituality of Russian people – not only by the way of simple logic, but accepting the viewpoint that this life was created and supported by God in full compliance with the order stated by Him.
During all of its history Russia was at war, so were many other countries. It took part in so many smaller conflicts not only pursuing its own national interests and responding other countries cry for help, but it also became a decisive power in destroying the enemy in the Second World War. In all these wars Russia was badly damaged, much worse than all its allies.

As for the special role of our country in preventing bloodshed between different nations and countries in local wars, the situation is taking place now all the same. The episode with Balkan region is one of the latest examples of it. Two hundred soldiers of Russian landing force made march-throw on Prishtina in June 1999 and took control over the local Slatina airport. The airport was a strategic object of extreme importance on the territory of Kosovo. Any military group in this region could use support only by air. So, the one controlling the airport - controlled the whole situation.

Russian peace-makers are located now in the zone of Georgian – Abhasian conflict can also be mentioned.

Let’s try to explain this peculiar role of Russia within margins of interrelations. Every human society, wether it is under- developped country or superpower, could be divided into three classes, different in their life style and their spiritual life.

The first class: Workers, producing material and commercial values.
The second class: Tradesmen, transporting goods created by workers and supporting other people.
The third class: Military men who collect taxes from workers and traders in peaceful time.
The fourth class: Clergymen who study Holy Scripture and teach the first three classes to the study of God and perform religious ceremonies.

It is said in religious books that the given classification has been invented by Lord Himself and thus the human society has been sustaining its existance. Along with this, it is mentioned that all four classes must endevour to fulfill the obligations prescribed for them and co-operate peacefully.

It follows from this configuration of things, that in the course of all its history in the military time Russia performed and has been performing the part of the third class, that is the military state recreating peaceful life among other people. What Russia has not ever done to the prejudice of economical wealth its own people, is that the third class has never performed its duties of controlling commercial activity of workers and traders during non-war time. Highly developed countries, whose indicators of manufacture of total national product are high within the margins of economic interrelations in reality are representatives of the first and third class, depending on their successfulness in creating trade and material values and their promotion onto the market.

It is only sound to mention the following fact. Only several decades passed since the war time when in August 2000 in Germany the Foundation named “Memory, Responsibility and Future” had been established. It was co-operative project of FRG government and economical tycoons. Its objective was to compensate the former enslaved workers who were labouring for Germany during the Second World war time, along with nacism victims and their successors by right. 8.3 mln € were transferred by Russian Federal State Enterprise “The Foundation of Mutual Comprehension and Reconciliation” before September 2006 to their rightful recepients.

So, after such a long time, the sides came to the decision about the necessity of monetary compensation to Russian citizens and their successors by right.

All above mentioned allow us to draw the next conclusions. Russian government should not only agitate other states to invest its economy trying to create a favourable background for it. All countries should transfer money to Russian Exchequer for its former achievements and sacrifice. The volume of such contribution should be defined individually for every country by negotiations. In addition, it is necessary to sign an agreement on monthly cash transfer to Russia in future. These money are urgent for coping with real problems, and first hand – the residential problems of military men of Russian Army and their salary increase. Further the 100% completion of all military formations with all modern upgrades in military and production complex of Russia. All above is necessary to enable our country from now on to perform its function of the third class, it should be ready for it both morally and physically.

In case any country refuses to admit the state of things, Russia may use its intellectual and military potential in the form of various range rockets and bearing technical means for them. It seems possible that after hitting two or three important objects of disagreeable side there won’t any problems with receiving by our country its deserved sum of money. Russian military power should be used for earning money for the whole country and its citizens by means of establishing of Russian control over markets ever so growing in number, not bu way of arms selling.

For those who are aware of Russian history, its role and political significance, it seems apparant that our country must for sure have healthy imperial ambitions. The scheme mentioned above can also explain special spiritual strength of peoples living on the territory of Russia – all who are called Russian by Europe and West. It is commonly accepted that Russian soul is a peculiar enigma. Meanwhile a spirit of a person and his soul state directly depend on his life activity.

A worker’s life style is concluded in production of some item with rentability of no less than 8%. Producing some goods he lives thoroughly counting every little dime.

Trader’s life style is concluded in getting about 20% profit from goods trade minus transport expences and futher thorough accounting of remaining profit.

The right life style of a military man is concluded in controlling both a worker and a tradesman thus getting money from them. During war time he sacrifices his health and life for preserving this control. This is quite another sort of activity than that of the first two classes. Hence – rather different spiritual state.
What is called the broad Russian soul and the special feasibility of our people to sacrifice is nothing else but the soul impulses of people of the third military class.

So, within the margins of interrelations, Russia was fulfilling and continues fulfilling half of its obligations. To gain decent life for all the people of our country – the second half – remains yet to be fulfilled.

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